Latest News

22 May 2024

I am thrilled to announce the grading success at the recent May 2024 Keiko in Australia. The applicants had obviously all worked so hard and diligently. Fundraising just to get there amid the extensive training. All were nursing injuries and the after effects of COVID. Doubts about whether they should be there, followed by a determined mind-set resolution to do the best they could in training and in the grading. Who could ask for more?

These are our successful applicants with their new grade:

Black belt Renshi Lawrence Holden

Shodan Renshi Nicola Cornes

Shodan Pero Corbeski (Australia)

Shodan Renshi Denita Wright (Australia)

Nidan Renshi Lucas Thom

Nidan Renshi Sandra Silcock

Nidan Renshi Mark Gillies

Godan Hanshi Marie Thom

We were sad to hear of Renshi Andrew Smee’s withdrawal prior to the grading, due to a strained back. We hope you recover soon and expect you to smash out that Shodan in the October Keiko.

A huge thank you to Sensei Rodney Day for his ongoing support, the sharing of his vast knowledge and his unswerving loyalty to our Taekidokai Family.

Thank you also to Hanshi Kevin, Hanshi Jenny and Hanshi Greg for your years of support for the New Zealand crew.

Thank you to everyone that helped our applicants get ready for their grading. I would like you to know how grateful we all were that you gave your time to help us get ready. Special mention must go to the red belt students that gave their best during the grading.

Last but not least, what a fantastic club. Everyone supporting each other – NZ, Sydney North, Illawara, Sydney South. The geographical backgrounds of no consequence, just melting into the background. The cheers, the whoops, the laughs, the empathy, equal for all those that graded.

Well done everyone that graded. Enjoy and reflect on the moment. But you are not finished yet! Don’t take too much time off before you get back into training for the next level! Lets inspire the next generation!!








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